Hosted by Helen King
phone: 941-725-0323
Table Talk Dinner Small Groups are starting back up in in February and run through May. This ministry is a great way to gather as a family of faith, meet new friends or reunite with old friends and to fellowship through dining. You need not be a member to participate. Groups of eight are the norm, mixing couples with singles. Groups meet monthly at the group’s convenience, with hosting on a rotating basis. You may sign up for a group that meets for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner. There is a signup sheet in the Welcome Center.
When it is your turn to host, it is your option to either dine at your home or dine out. Dining at home could be you preparing the entire meal, if you like to entertain, or calling for a pot luck. Many creative ideas will abound to be sure. Your group will decide how it will work at the first dinner meeting at a restaurant. Breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner? It’s your group’s call. Groups will be shuffled and we begin again with “new” friends in a few months.